Monday, July 12, 2010


While blogging about 70's band Supertramp on my other blog Strike A Bell, I noticed that some of the members have been snapped sporting some rather proud facial hair.

Here, take a look for yourself.

Some impressive beard/mo combos, yes? And I love their goofy style.

Sadly, this is what they look like today, since joining the fairly lame ranks of bands reforming for a buck. Just one piddly beard. If you're coming back, bring it all back, please!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Something for the ladies...

WARNING: May Cause Recurring Nightmares

It seems German designer Patrick Mohr is so far ahead of fashion, that no one really knows what he was thinking...


But we all know I'm pro-hair, so I'm going to say that's a good thing.

Here are some pics from his show at the recent Berlin Fashion Week:

Reminds me of that cheesy old horror film The Tommyknockers (based on the Stephen King novel), but with additional facial hair and better outfits. Actually, I quite like the designs, it's just kinda hard to see past the freak flags flying.

In this clip, you can see Mohr has his own sweet 'stache & chops combo going on.

Monday, July 5, 2010