Monday, July 12, 2010


While blogging about 70's band Supertramp on my other blog Strike A Bell, I noticed that some of the members have been snapped sporting some rather proud facial hair.

Here, take a look for yourself.

Some impressive beard/mo combos, yes? And I love their goofy style.

Sadly, this is what they look like today, since joining the fairly lame ranks of bands reforming for a buck. Just one piddly beard. If you're coming back, bring it all back, please!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Something for the ladies...

WARNING: May Cause Recurring Nightmares

It seems German designer Patrick Mohr is so far ahead of fashion, that no one really knows what he was thinking...


But we all know I'm pro-hair, so I'm going to say that's a good thing.

Here are some pics from his show at the recent Berlin Fashion Week:

Reminds me of that cheesy old horror film The Tommyknockers (based on the Stephen King novel), but with additional facial hair and better outfits. Actually, I quite like the designs, it's just kinda hard to see past the freak flags flying.

In this clip, you can see Mohr has his own sweet 'stache & chops combo going on.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hirsute Records

What better way to accessorise your record cover?
Inspired by a Peter Sarstedt record (featured on Pandora).

Here are some beauties:

The World Famous Sportsmen Quartet - Barbershop Ballads

And the cherry on top...

Les Moustaches

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Andrei Tarkovsky is hot

... and brilliant
... and he has a mo
... and what more could I ask for in a man?

He directed Stalker, pretty much the best film you'll ever see.

"So much, after all, remains in our thoughts and hearts as
unrealized suggestion"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bearded Philosophers: Nietzsche

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche has to be sporting one of the most impressive moustaches in the history of facial hair. I mean really, who can argue with a lip bushel like that? It seems to me that there might be a direct relationship between the male philosopher's genius and the strength of his facial hair. To be followed up in further posts...

If you're interested in Nietzsche, rather than just gratuitously ogling his moustache, check out these blogs:

Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Ba-ack!

I haven't blogged here for such a long time! Truth is, I got scared off when I discovered my phobia of approaching strangers on the street. I've been posting on my other blog Strike A Bell, so I thought I'd give this another try. It won't be as I initially envisioned it... rather more humble, and random, but still centering around the theme of facial hair and my undying love for it.

Jumping back on the horse, I googled "beard love". And what did I find?

This gorgeous print!

From powerandlight's Etsy shop, as featured on Decor Amor blog. Unfortunately, it seems they're sold out, but there are loads of other cuties available.