Monday, April 27, 2009

Beard Head

The Bearded Lady - Beard Head
For those of you unable to grow your own, or even just needing some extra insulation, check out the products at this fantastic website Beard Head. They even donate some proceeds to charity. I'm imagining myself snug inside one of these right now... bliss! Thanks to Kate for the heads up on this one.


  1. i have my own hahaha and red too :)

  2. Really? You're way ahead of me! Btw if you're interested I'm looking for foreign correspondants, I'm sure the street style in Bursa is really cool :)

  3. lol. i would gladly take the post of foreign correspondant for the bearded lady blog. Bringing u fresh beard related news from europe and the middle east. :)

    btw as u now i was blessed with a red beard through my genetic materiala :p

  4. You're so lucky! Wow, that would be great :) It would be so cool if you could email any news or pics, and I would loudly post it as The Latest From Our Correspondant In Bursa! Or you we could come up with a cool screen name, any ideas?

  5. well I came up with a name. Barbarossa. It means red beard in italian and it was the name of a famous ottoman sailor/pirate captain that lived around 15th century. I guess it fits to the subject matter perfectly although I am open to suggestions. :)
